Thursday, October 07, 2004


You are tuckering me out, little one. I took a 3-hour nap today (even though Daddy said it was only a 1.5-hour nap because I'm sleeping for two now - yeah, your Daddy's a funny guy) and I'm still tired. Of course, Granny Hop says it could be all the excitement of the last month and a half or so and now I'm crashing, but whatever it is, I'm sleepy.

I think you're implanting right now. At least, I hope that's what all that bleeding is. The ultrasound technician said she saw the ruptured follicle that the egg that's turning into you came from in my ovary. That's pretty neat. Also, there are no masses on my fallopian tubes, so you're not chillin' there. Thanks for not taking that detour. The doctor said my endometrium is thickened, so that means you're burrowing yourself in there somewhere. Dig deep, sweet child!

I have to go back for another blood test on Monday, just to make sure the hormone that's letting me know you're there (hcg) is increasing. It's at 77 right now, it needs to be in the thousands before I see a picture of you.

I'm still waiting to get in touch with your great grandma Peggy before I talk about you on our website. I can't wait to tell her, she's going to be so excited.

OH! And I forgot something. Not only are you making me hungry and sleepy, I'm forgetting a lot lately. Maybe I'll take some smart pills for both our benefits. I forgot to tell you how your Grandma Barbara reacted! Daddy and I got on the phone with her and she started talking about the "babies" (your furry brothers and sister) and I said "Funny you should mention, because you're going to be a grandma again!" She said "You're getting another cat?" "No." "You mean you're pregnant?" "Yep!" "Oh, you're kidding me!" She's a little scared that she won't be able to hold you though, even though you're still at least (I hope) another 8 months away and she should definitely get her cast off by then. She's giving us a crib for you that was built in 1928! I don't doubt that her father made it very sturdy, but I'll definitely have to check it out - I'm not putting you in ANYTHING that might be even the slightest bit unsafe for you. Maybe I can find a child safety expert.

My friend Kelli told me I should sing the ABC's and "Jesus Loves Me" to you every night. It might be overkill right now, but her kid's pretty darn smart. I know you'll be a genius (between my fashion and social skills and Daddy's intelligence, I'd say you have a pretty good chance of being the smartest kid ever), but every little bit helps.

Although my singing's not the best... Cover your little ears if it's too bad. I know you don't have ears yet - tell you what. If my singing's REALLY bad, you can kick me really hard when you have feet! Deal?

Goodnight, little one. I'll talk to you soon! I love you!



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