Wednesday, October 06, 2004

Thank goodness for cheap long distance!

This morning, I called the doctor's office because I had decided on a doctor for you, and he told me that the blood test came back positive! You're really in there! I can't believe it, I'm sorry. I hope you don't feel neglected, but I don't think I'll believe you're in there until I see you coming out. I've wanted to be a mommy since I was 8 years old. I remember thinking, "I'll get married when I'm 23, have a baby when I'm 24, and die when I'm 103." Of course I want more babies, and other than the fact that your Daddy and I were married when I was 20, I'll be right on track!

So I called so... many... people today. I was probably on the phone for 4 hours, with all different people. I got lots and lots of advice. Here's some of what I got so far:

Drink milk - Aunt Stacy
Drink orange juice - Angie, Aunt Stacy
Eat broccoli (so it'll be a boy) - Rob
Take multi-vitamins w/extra folic acid - Aunt Stacy
Don't let your mother in law stay with you - Aunt Stacy
Get ultrasounds recorded on video - Aunt Stacy
Buy Kiss it Simple Series (KISS) for pregnancy - Aunt Stacy
Buy Pregnancy for Dummies on DVD - Aunt Stacy
Buy What to Expect When You're Expecting - Aunt Stacy, Chris, Terri, Kelli, Kelly, Nancy, Leona, someone else I'm forgetting. I know there were 8 people who told me to buy it.
Don't buy What to Expect when You're Expecting - Jennifer
No heavy lifting - Aunt Cindy
Let Drew do all the work - Aunt Cindy
No long trips in a truck - Aunt Cindy
Relax, enjoy the ride - Kitty
Eat grits - Aunt Stacy
Rest as much as possible... you'll never rest again - Terri
Don't buy every gadget on the market - Terri
Take a mother shopping with you so you don't buy useless stuff - Terri
Drew avoid speed bumps - Kelli
No wipe warmers - Kelli
Don't neglect husband - Kelli
Make sure he takes care of you - Kelli
Don't neglect Drew - Joyce
Keep soda water and Saltines nearby - Joyce
Don't clean the bathroom - Joyce
Eat what you want - Kelly (who is different from Kelli - not a typo)

All in all, very sage advice from very wise women that I trust greatly. I talked to a whoooole lot of people who you will call your aunts and uncles, and who are almost as close to me as your real aunts and uncle, but are only my friends. They are all VERY excited, though, and can't wait to meet you. You are going to be the first grandbaby for my parents, the first niece or nephew for two aunts and your uncle, and the first baby out of all my New Orleans friends. Suffice it to say, you are going to be SO loved and juuuuust a little spoiled.

I made a few people cry today! Terri, Leslie, and Veronica all just lost it. Especially Terri. Aunt Terri has seen me go through all the fears of infertility over the last couple years, and has prayed her heart out for me. So me telling her this was quite possibly the best news she's had in several months. We're all just so excited to see you, and we love you so much.

Also, I found out how old you are today! The doctor also ordered a quantitative hcg test on my blood, which finds out the level of the pregnancy hormone in my blood. I can't believe you're only 2 weeks along! If that's really true, which it obviously is because surely my blood can't lie, then you were conceived on September 29th and you should be born June 29th, 2005 or thereabouts. At least that's what Aunt Terri calculated.

Right now, I'm just feeling tired. I guess it could possibly have something to do with it being 12:30 in the morning, but who knows. :) I've been pretty tired all day, but I did go work out. I might just lose some weight while I'm pregnant with you, unless you give me crazy cravings! Other than that, my only pregnancy symptoms or signs are a little gas and just being so tired. Granny says the sleepiness could be from the past couple of hectic weeks, and I'm just crashing. I prefer to think it's because of you. :)

I have my first appointment at the OB's office tomorrow. Dr. Brewer (my current primary care physician) says that normally, women who are two weeks along don't necessarily need to see an OB, and he's probably overreacting, but my history of PCOS does give him a tiny bit of concern. Not too bad, though. We'll see tomorrow! I sure wish I could get a picture of you.

Goodnight for now! I love you!


Blogger The DP said...

You forgot my "Don't change the cat litter or eat camembert" advice from Auntie Cristi. Operation Sit on Your Butt and Make Drew Do Everything is effective immediately. If I wasn't leaving the country I would personally come up there and clean your house and cater to your every whim and stock you up with dvds.

4:57 PM  

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