Tuesday, October 05, 2004

Hi little one!

I just found out about you last night, so I thought I'd start writing to you for both of our benefits, so I don't forget anything and you know everything.

So Friday morning, I saw a little spotting. It continued Saturday, which worried me a little, so I called your Granny Hop for advice. Cousin Veronica was in town, and she kept saying I was pregnant, so I asked your Granny Hop what her symptoms were. "Do your boobs hurt?" she asked. "Only when I press on them really hard," I answered. She said then that I wasn't pregnant, because Smith women have really sore breasts when they're pregnant, and that's how they know. Well, oddly enough, they started hurting the very next day. I mentioned it to Cousin Veronica, and she was pretty happy because she just knew she was right. I shushed her, because I honestly thought I was infertile.

What a wonderful weekend. Your Aunt Jennifer and Uncle Frank were married, and Aunt Jennifer was so beautiful. Her dress was gorgeous, her hair and makeup flawless. She was just radiant. I can't wait to show you pictures. You're in them, somewhere! I've always looked up to your Aunt Jennifer, and I know you will too.

I dropped Cousin Veronica off at the airport on Monday at about 4:00 pm. I started driving home, and got stuck in Hammond because I locked my keys in my car! Woops! It took AAA about 45 minutes to get there. After that, I drove through the worst rain I have ever seen, fearing for my life the whole way. Had I only known you were in there, I would have stopped in Kentwood to wait the storm out!

The whole time home, I kept feeling my breasts. I have to wonder how many people between Sunday and today have seen me feeling myself up!

I got home, spent some time with your Daddy, checked my e-mail, and waited till your Daddy was asleep before I came to bed.

I decided, "why not? I'll take a pregnancy test. Maybe, if it comes out negative, all these psychosomatic symptoms will go away.

I opened the test, a Clearblue Easy, did my business, and waited for the horizontal bar to come up and say I wasn't pregnant. Well, the horizontal bar came up - but so did a vertical one.

I cannot begin to express how shocked I was. SHOCKED. The moment I've wanted my whole life, and here it is. No way. Really??

I ran into the bedroom and woke your poor daddy up with "Honey! Wake up! Look at this! Wake up! Honey, wake UP!" Daddy sat up, looking pretty scared (he later told me he thought I'd found a spider for him to kill - not that Daddy's afraid of spiders). He looked at me, looked at the test, looked at me, looked at the test, then said something that I won't repeat to you till you're much older.

I could tell he was pretty happy. Obviously!! He has a pretty nasty cold right now, so we didn't do a lot of hugging, but we did a lot of laughing. You are going to be part of a very funny household, since your Daddy and I are walking senses of humor. We also mulled over names. Here are some of the ones we've talked about so far:

Andrew Clarence (the 4th)
Andrew John (after Daddy and Grandpa)
Sandra Grace
Elizabeth Renee
Landry Rose

Those are just so far. We'll let you know the outcome! :)

So after talking a while, we finally went to sleep.

This morning, I woke up and ran to Eckerd's, although my eyeballs were floating. I bought $50 worth of pregnancy tests, ran home, and took 3 of them. Another Clearblue Easy, a First Response, and an EPT digital readout. Okay, maybe I didn't need to pay $15 for the digital readout one, but it was COOL! Sure enough, the Clearblue Easy had a plus sign, the First Response had two vertical lines, and the EPT digital readout said "Pregnant."

I called your Daddy right away and said "Four tests in front of me are telling me you're going to be a daddy!" We celebrated and talked a little more. Then, I had a little happy breakdown. I thanked God like a crazy woman, dropped to my knees, cried a little. I am so happy. I decided to call your Granny Hop. (By the way, the name she wants to be called may change in the next 9 months, so be prepared.)

I said "Mommy? This may be the worst day possible to tell you this (she was supposed to have 2 midterms), but you know how you said my breasts would be sore if I'm pregnant? Well, my breasts are sore and 4 pregnancy tests can't be wrong!" Silence. Then "Stacey. Stacey. Stacey. AAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!" Funny stuff. :) We talked for a little while, and she started to get dizzy and needed to pull over! Poor Granny. We talked some more, she screamed a few more times, it was really exciting. She's so happy and will be a WONDERFUL grandma!

Then I tried to call your Grandpa John and Grandma Vicki. And tried. And tried. And tried! I left a message.

Then I called your Paw-Paw. I said "It's a shame Drew's initals aren't D.A.D. (for my tattoo.)" "Why?" "Because I'm pregnant." "WHAT?!" "I'm pregnant!" He started giggling and congratulating me. You're gonna love him.

FINALLY your Grandpa John called back. I guess I had woken him and Grandma Vicki up. Oops! I said "I don't know how else to tell you this, but... I'm pregnant!!" You'd have to know your Grandpa John, but he's very stoic unless he's mad. I don't think he said much more than "Huh. That's great." Don't worry - he's going to love you to pieces and be the coolest grandpa ever. His lack of reaction is not indicative of him not being excited, he's just... Grandpa John.

He handed the phone off to Grandma Vicki then. I asked if she had had her morning cup of coffee yet, and she said she hadn't as much as had a sip. I told her to take a big one, because she's going to be a grandma. I can't be sure, but I think she sputtered a little bit, and then said "Gracious." By the way, you might have to call them John and Vicki for a few years. I don't think they've adjusted to the idea of having adult daughters yet - let alone being grandparents!

Next was Aunt Jennifer. She returned my call, poor thing at the end of her honeymoon. I told her I needed some advice. I had a friend whose sister just got married too, and she just found out she was pregnant. She doesn't want to tell her sister for fear she might steal her thunder or something. Aunt Jennifer said "Is this one of those things where your friend is really you? "Yeah." Gasp. SSSHHHRRRIIIIEEEEKKKK!!!!! I think she screamed louder than your Granny. I mean, she pierced my ear. I guess Uncle Frank gave her a nasty look, because then she said "Stacey's pregnant." We talked about you for a little while longer, and talked about her honeymoon. I talked to Uncle Frank for a second. I'm telling you what, kiddo, those two are going to love you like nobody's business. Jennifer is just *made* for aunt-hood.

Next was Aunt Alanna. I called her and said, "You know how we thought Jennifer would be the first to get pregnant? Yeah, that's not gonna happen. " Aunt Alanna couldn't shriek, but I could tell she wanted to. She said "Are you serious?" and started crying. She's one of the reasons you'll have a healthy childhood - she's taken enough classes to be my advisor! She's so excited - I think she's going to try to hold you more than I do!

Then, Uncle Seth. As you may know, he's only 16 right now. He was watching baseball, I think, and I told him that he should be watching a show called "How to be an uncle." He said "Why?" "Because you're going to be one!" "REALLY?" I haven't heard Uncle Seth's voice crack in a very, very long time, but it cracked for the rest of the conversation. Funny stuff. He'll be the one responsible for any camoflauge you wear during your life. I promise.

Last, but not least, and hardest to reach, was Aunt Amanda. I called her at a friend's house, and she said she was holding a baby, and I said "How apropos, because I'm gonna have one!" "YOU ARE!??" She's so happy! Her other older sister has 2 children, and her stepbrother has a baby, so you won't be her first niece or nephew, but you'll be her cutest. :) Okay, a LITTLE bias.

So that was all of my immediate family. I'll tell everyone else tomorrow when I have the blood tests back!

This will definitely be my longest letter to you. This is tuckering me out!

Right now, I don't know how old you are. I think you're anywhere between 2 and 6 weeks, but Granny thinks you're about 8 or 9 weeks. We'll see. The blood tests might be able to tell me how old you are! If not, we'll have a sonogram. Truth be told, I want a sonogram - I can't wait to see you!

Okay, that's it for tonight. I love you so much. I don't feel you, see you, know you - but I love you. More than you will ever understand, unless you're a girl and will be a mommy. Goodnight, sweet one!


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dude, just found this on the long line from Rob's site to Drew's to yours. Congratulations! This really freaking rocks! I'm doing the official "Stacey's Pregnant!!!!!" happy dance at my computer as we speak. Fortunately, no one can see it cuz it's kind of scary! OK. I have no idea what advice to give other than the diaper goes on the smelly end. I am just so damned happy for you both! Really! I always figured I'd be the first to get pregnant but woohoo! (joking of course...I'm very happy to experience pregnancy vicariously thank ya very much!) Congrats again. Alright, must go since the "Stacey's Pregnant!!!!!!" happy dance requires me to jump up and down shaking my groove thing now.

Melinda or Auntie Mel if I may!

9:07 AM  

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